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AI in the career space

In July we had our summer employer call and gleaned quite a few tidbits that may assist those involved in recruitment.

Appropriate and ethical use

WFU is working with students on their appropriate and ethical use of ChatGPT and AI by using the “powers for good” from these technologies for career exploration, refining accomplishment statements, investigating interview strategies, etc. Guidance is also being given on copying from or sharing too much information with AI.

Suggested queries

Some of the AI queries that we have suggested students use include:

Confidential information and AI

From a University perspective, putting data/information into ChatGpt can disclose confidential information violating Federal laws like FERPA or HIPAA, so we are mindful of how we protect campus processes inside and outside the classroom. Some areas of concern include the sharing of security numbers, credit card numbers, medical information, financial aid information, identifiable information from an employee personnel record, student educational records, research, data, intellectual property, source codes, proprietary data or processes, internal meeting notes, emails, etc.

Integrity and AI

Wake Forest is very concerned about integrity and upholding our honor code so this summer an official AI policy for teaching is being developed (for example, how AI can be used and cited). Many faculty are including AI language in their syllabi. Faculty are also using “reverse engineering” to take text submitted by a student and ask ChatGPT if AI generated the information. As was shared “We believe in their [students’] intellectual ability and horsepower, and they don’t need these kinds of tools to prove who they are to us. . . we need to create guard rails for students, so they understand how to use something that is as powerful as AI.”

Employer advice

Advice shared between employers includes the need to:

If you’d like to view the entire webinar, please email