It’s your sophomore year and we are here to help you take action.

Tell Your Story
- Build or update your resume, LinkedIn profile, and Handshake account to find opportunities with organizations and gain access to research opportunities.
- Make an appointment with a coach: Come to drop-in hours Monday – Thursday, 1:30 – 4:30, or come to the office or log in to Handshake to make an appointment. Here are directions.

Explore Your Interests
- Go to events like Career Fair, Diversity Always Matters, Graduate School Fair, Marketing Networking Night, or information sessions.
- Use the OPCD website or Handshake to find events that interest you. Attend employer events to learn more and make connections.

Choose a Major
This step can feel stressful, but it doesn’t have to be.
- Meet with a coach to get information to make a decision that aligns with your interests.
- Take a College to Career class. Earn credit while exploring majors and career interests, building a resume, and connecting with alumni who can help you make a decision.

Get Involved
- Seek leadership roles in clubs, organizations, and activities that matter to you, help you make an impact, and build skills.
Click here to see the highlighted employer events for this week. Log in to Handshake to see all employer events.