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Lower Division Advising Resources

Lower division advising is a critical component to a Wake Forest student’s development as these advising sessions often help them decide their major. As you meet with students we recommend you consider including these four ideas in your conversation.

Promote informed major selection 

Students can learn more about the great variety of jobs and careers available to majors by checking out the Explore Majors page and meeting with a Career Coach.

Encourage students to seek internships

We know that internships are the best way to learn about possible career paths (and confirm to an employer that a student has experience outside of the classroom or lab).   Career Services receives internship opportunities from employers, faculty, alumni, and parents weekly and they are posted throughout the year on Handshake. Additional opportunities can be found at You can also encourage students to do academic internships to help further their education with hands-on experience.  If students have questions about academic credit and internships send them here.

Encourage students to turn their high-school resume into a Wake Forest resume

A solid resume is needed to apply to good summer jobs, internships, and undergraduate research experiences.   Encourage your students to update their high-school resumes.  For support, our students can use the resume instructions and samples found on our career services website or in their Handshake Career Guide.  When ready, students can have their resumes reviewed by a career services counselor at the Office of Personal and Career Development during our walk-in resume review hours: 1:30 PM – 4 PM Monday through Thursday.

Refer students to Handshake

Our students can easily begin their career development by registering for Handshake, Wake Forest’s job and internship website. Registering gives students access to internships and provides career services with details on our students’ basic interests so students can receive announcements regarding career events and opportunities.  Students need to complete their Handshake profile.