Where to Start…
You may not know exactly where the path from college-to-career may lead, and that’s okay. We’re here to help. Or, you may know exactly what you’d like to do post-graduation, and we can work with you to make sure that plan becomes reality. Either way, you do not need to do it alone. Look below for where you land in the process.
You want to learn about your options, but not sure where to start. Explore the endless possibilities in within majors, internships, and careers, and see all the places Deacs land….
Get Ready
You’ve explored, know a general direction you’re heading, now it’s time to take the steps during your time at Wake to prepare for what’s after Wake. Build your network, find tools and resources, and events.
Land It
You found your path, you’ve taken the steps to prepare, now is the time to land that internship, job, or acceptance to grad school. This will require knowing how to search, interview skills and perfecting that resume.
How To Know If You’re Ready
Be prepared for wherever life may lead you. These seven essential skills will set you up for success – whether it be for grad school, a career, or…life.
Learn what the seven skills are, and the different ways to master them.
Do you know your strengths and values?
Knowing your own strengths and values can set you in the right direction for better understanding your ideal career.
Find your strengths in a class
Underline your aspirations and set yourself up for life and career readiness… for class credit!
Find your strengths with a coach
Meet with a coach to craft your story for future employers and identify your strengths and talents. The OPCD also offers the Myers Briggs Type Indicator and the Strong Interests Inventory. These online assessments provide insight into your personality and career interests. Meet with a career coach for more information.
Still not sure where to start?
Meeting with a Career Coach is a good way to figure out what your next steps should be. You can also be guided through the college-to-career process by taking a career course.